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Youth and Children Can Get Involved too!


The Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF)

The Christian Youth Fellowship in its most comprehensive expression is the official organization of our Church, whose primary mission is to disciple young people in Christian growth through study, worship, fellowship, leadership, and service. It is designed for ages 12-17 or for grades 6-12.

The Essential Function of the CYF

To train young people in Christian living.

To enable them to enrich their lives through worship, Bible study discussions, Christian service, and recreation.

To help them solve personal and social problems in light of the life and teachings of Christ.

To offer them opportunities for self-expression and exercise in the duties, functions, and responsibilities of the Church. 

To provide opportunities for interaction with other youth facing social problems.

The C.Y.F. Creed

Teach me eternally, how thine orders run, and I will follow them step by step;

Instruct me how to carry out thy law, and with my whole heart I will keep it;

Lead me along in thine obedience, for this is my joy;

Incline my heart to thy behest, and to no love of gain;

Make me alive to follow thee, and turn mine eyes from craving vain;

Fulfill thy promise to thy servant, to advance thy faith;

Remove thy insults that I dread, and intervene for good;

As thy art true, revive me; I am yearning for thy will.


The CYF Pledge of Loyalty

We pledge loyalty to our Church,

and to the Master's Kingdom that it helps to build,

We love and honor its long history,

And are proud of its noble work;

We will be loyal to its program;

We will support its effort with our offerings;

We will join with others in its activities;

We pledge to continue its work, that it may carry;

Christ's message to this community and throughout the world.

Rossie T. Hollis Children's Department


The purpose is to train our children ages five to eleven through Missionary programs and activities so that they will be able to express the mission and unity of the Christian Church in Christ Jesus. Also, to promote the work of children by involving them in a wide range of programs and activities on every level of the church, local, district, regional, and council levels. Finally, to provide appropriate materials, ideas, and instructions for the leader and the circle members.


"Sharing our Faith with Other Children"

Theme Song



"If it is to be, it is up to me."

Uniform Colors

White Tops and Navy Bottoms


 Children's Ministry & CYF Ministry Executive Board


 CYF Ministry

President = Bro. Justin Thomas

Secretary = Sis. Takyla Turner


Children's Ministry

 President = Sis. Noa Stephens

Secretary = Kimora Crosby


Children & CYF Ministry Choir

President = Bro. Erion Mays


Greenhouse Learning Experience

Jr. Superintendent = Timothy Letbetter


Children & CYF Ministry Usher Board

President = Bro. Davion Beal


Mattie E. Coleman (MEC) Children's Department Officers

Chairperson = Bro. Caiden Simmons


R.T. Hollis Children's Department Officers

President = Sis. Endia Glover


Please click on the picture below to be directed to The Hub 2 designed to help our youth learn and grow through God's word.

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry was designed with the same purpose as CYF.  It was designed to reach as many levels of our young people as possible.  The age range for Children's Ministry is 4-11.


Please click on the picture to be directed to learn more about our CME Connectional Youth Ministry.

Mattie E. Coleman Department

The goal of the Mattie E. Coleman Department is to have an organized and functioning effectively Department in every place where there is a Missionary Society.

The purpose is as follows:

To inspire and train boys and girls, young men and women, ages 12 through 17, so that they may become Missionary minded.

To awaken in their consciousness of God.

To lead them to an experience of Jesus Christ.

To develop in them intelligent loyalty to the Church.

To give guidance in preparation for Christian home life and parenthood.

To encourage higher education.


Theme Song

"It's My Desire"



Purple and White



"More Earnest Workers

Children's Ministry & CYF Ministry Directors

Children's & CYF Ministry Director: Sis. Karla Dennard

Rossie T Hollis Department & Mattie E. Coleman Department Local Church Secretary: Sis Shawanda Stephens

Children's & CYF Ministry Choir Leader: Sis. Shanieki Rouse

Children's & CYF Arts Worship Ministry Leader: Sis. Aleka Harris-Thomas


